As Mooraj states: “Karachi of the early fifties [was] a city that was safe and peaceful and where nobody ever seemed to be in any kind of hurry. People were also very tolerant, especially in the coffee houses where it was fashionable to hold left wing views and to express anti establishment sentiments. What a pity those lazy, carefree days are gone forever, like picture postcards, yellowed with age, stored in a half forgotten trunk, never to be opened again.”
We have reduced our advertising on radio; our ad spend is equally divided between TV, print and digital.
The Evaled vacuum evaporation and distillation system for treating industrial wastewater operates as a closed-loop system under vacuum.
Lux has been in Pakistan for over 50 years. Unlike many brands, Lux’s positioning has not changed significantly; the target audience has remained young women. Lux uses star appeal to drive the brand message.
Of course, in typical Pakistani agency tradition, they did it in the most unprofessional way. Interns, fresh out of college, were hired to handle their clients’ digital requirements. By 2010, blue-chip companies began to take an interest in social media.
Townsquare Media, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates (individually or collectively, “TSM” or “we/our/us”) respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it through our compliance with this policy.
Quite a lot of our great advertising ideas have thus been lost in translation. Reactions to advertising concepts in the boardrooms have far too often been mistaken for the presumed reaction consumers would have to our advertising. If we look to India, this has not been the case. The Indian advertising that inspires us is embedded in the language of the streets.
Lessons learned in childhood often last a lifetime. The same can be said of acquired skills, such as building things with Erector Sets, Legos and Lincoln Logs. Individuals who mastered and enjoyed these classic toys may very likely be the same people who use T-slot extrusion framing, pipe-and-joint and square-tube systems to build modular workstations, flow racks and other production structures for manufacturers.
Strangely, when we started testing our 2018 Husqvarna TC125, the engineers told us to change the gas/oil ratio again. They want Husky TC125 owners to run 50:1 and TC250 owners to run 60:1. We admit that the 60:1 ratio is better.
What’s happening with your ceiling is that the wood framing is moving somewhat in response to ambient outside humidity and is flexing and the drywall in those areas where the nails are popping can’t — hence the popping.
The Sheetite screw is designed to connect two or more sheets placed one atop of the other, with a total thickness of 0.5 times the nominal diameter of the fastener or less. The sheets can be made of steel, aluminum, magnesium or other metals. The diameter of the predrilled holes in the sheets is flexible, so the process and assembly parameters can be adjusted optimally to each application.
Refuse and recyclable material collection remains the 5th deadliest job in the United States, a position it has held since 2013, according to just-released statistics.
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