I did not grow up an electrical engineer, and when I meet them in my friends hacker space, I tend to giggle at their ideas of good tools, but I keep my mouth shut. I learned about good cheap nippers from them, so yeah, we all got stuff to learn from everyone, even those poor saps who think a straight bladed screwdriver should be called a flathead.
Walk into any decent grocery store today and you will see this in action. In every aisle, there is a brand ambassador waiting to tell you about this and sell you that. In-store sales promotion is the official term of such activations, although ‘physical person-to-person spam’ would be more appropriate. The crème de la crème of activation channels, the mall, also saw a sharp decline in the engagement factor and potential ‘contacts’ had to be lured in with prizes and other incentives.
We (professional mechanics) often have The Nice Set, a cheaper set, and then the “buy at Harbor Freight specifically to mod/hack/destroy” set. (Or in my case, about a half dozen sets). Ratcheting screwdrivers are a godsend, especially offset bar-handled min-drivers for tight quarters. T-handle ratcheting drivers are also very useful, especially when working in “off-grid” locations such as the middle of a long snowboard run and adjusting your friend’s bindings on the board he rented. Then of course there’s Spinner screwdrivers (Klein all the way!)- when working with conduit runs or regular 120/240/277 voltage runs, you NEED these or you will have dead forearms. Side note: next time you are at a salvage yard and somebody asks for a screw-driver, hand them a spinner. Hilarity ensues as they stare at it.
One of the big challenges is that despite the presence of four large production houses, several smaller ones and more individual producers (or briefcase operators as they are called) than you can count, the content demands of the entertainment channels are still so massive that they are not completely met and Turkish and Indian content are used as ‘fillers’.
Screw threads are another simple machine, and can be thought of as a long, gently sloped inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder. Cut a long right triangle out of paper, wrap it around a pencil starting at the big end, and the hypotenuse forms a helical ramp that looks just like a thread. Of course, for a screw thread to do any work, it has to project out more than the thickness of a piece of paper, and the shape of the projection determines the mechanical properties of the screw.
Dawn Films used these platforms in their marketing strategy for their forthcoming film Saat Din Mohabat In, leveraging viral marketing by doing something that would create talkability. The first introduction to the film’s content was to present the audience with the protagonist, who is searching for the love of his life and whom he must find in seven days.
Parameter settings, such as driver speed and axial force, vary depending on the thickness of each sheet, the number of layers, the properties of each material, surface treatments and overall joint requirements. Thorough testing on coupon assemblies is imperative.
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Nice write up, but you skipped right past the reason Acme threads exist. The most precise and repeatable thread to drive a load with minimal backlash (as desired on machine leadscrews) is the square thread. You’ll see square threads on all early 20th-century American machine tool leadscrews. However, square threads are very difficult to make, because the cutting tool has no relief area; the sides of the tool will bind up as the thread gets deeper. Acme was created as a compromise. It provides just enough angle to give cutting tool clearance during manufacture, while still mostly retaining the desirable properties of a square thread for driving a load.
Only recently retired, Drew Struzan painted the most posters for American films in the last three decades including Back to the Future, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones and the Star Wars films. James Jean, who also exhibits in art galleries, has painted the poster for the 2017 film Shape of Water, which had 13 nominations for the Oscars and won four, including one for the best picture.
Profile 9701 is also 1.5 inches square, but features predrilled holes at 1.5-inch intervals along each face. These holes accept fasteners and allow for applications such as conveyor tables, gravity racks and material-handling shelves. Nearly a dozen other profiles feature one or two flanges on each side, with or without predrilled holes, for extra weight capacity.
Throughout Pakistan’s tumultuous 70-year history, the advertising sector has undergone significant changes, reflecting changing global consumer patterns as well as the development and evolution of local trends. Indeed, as a developing economy poised at the intersection of South and Central Asia and the Middle East, Pakistan’s changing advertising landscape is a witness and an archive of changing mindsets and practices, as well as of wider socio-economic trends.
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